And We’re Off!

I. Love. To. Travel.

Have I ever mentioned that before? I don’t even care where we go! I love the thinking about where to go, planning and researching, the anticipation, the airport (if we fly), the plane ride, the arrival, the hotel, exploring the hotel, exploring the town, getting my bearings, and soaking all the newness in. I just love it!

I even like just little road trips or weekend get aways. I love just checking out new spots. I love new restaurants and shops. I love the early morning walks and sunsets. I love sleeping in hotels. In fact, Rob has been known to just book hotel in the city to celebrate a special event and I LOVE that!

So I am super excited that tomorrow morning at 5 am we leave for our 15 hour road trip to the Outer Banks, North Carolina! We are planning on stopping in Virginia for the night, then continuing along the next morning so we can get there nice and fresh!

As excited as I am, it takes a lot of planning so is a tad stressful to get ready. Got to pack for everyone (even though they are old enough to help now, it still takes some time)! Plus I need to pack all the extra stuff:
– House extra stuff (towels, toiletries, chargers, camera)
– All the snackie food and breakfast and lunch for along the way
– The entertainment (Movies and TV series: We brought The Brady Bunch, Magnum PI, Get Smart, Gilligan’s Island, Hawaii 5-0, and Happy Days!), games, books, CD’s to listen to (I always make them listen to Troy Dunn or John Bytheway talks – motivational speakers from our faith for youth), and a little surprise “Learn Chinese CD’s”! I bought them as a joke so I can’t wait to see the kids faces when I put them on!
– Sport stuff: tennis rackets, soccer balls
– Order groceries to have them delivered to our beach home when we arrive
– Logistical stuff….

Now that most of this stuff is packed, I’m starting to get excited! And the kids are starting to get even more excited! It’s sort of like Christmas!

I hope to document our trip while we are there to capture all the little details that often get forgotten!

Bon Voyage!

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