Much to be Grateful For….

This Thanksgiving was our 5 year Family Anniversary!

It was 5 years ago that our lives started to merge, as I discussed back here.

We, as usual, were childless for the first part of the weekend, and then got everyone back on the Monday (some just in time for dinner) to have our yummy turkey dinner.

We decided to spend the first part of the weekend heading out of the city to see the changing colours on the trees and enjoy some of nature.

We went to a little resort on a beautiful lake:

Our plan was to go to relax, read, get a nice massage at the spa, and walk around the beautiful area.

But, things changed pretty quickly.

First, a little background:

On Thursday night (the night before we left for up north), Zach mentioned he had a weird cramp/pain in his upper right side area. Thinking he pulled a muscle, I gave him tylenol.

That night he woke me up saying he was in a lot of pain, so I gave him more tylenol and told him to sleep on the other side. In the morning, although it still hurt, he went to school and I wrote him a note excusing him from gym class and told him to rest. I sent his Dad a quick text to let him know that Zach had pulled something, when he had the last pain med and to make sure he had some meds too at his home (since the boys were with him until Monday morning). Then we headed off for our weekend getaway!

On Friday night Zach texted and called and said his side really really hurt. By Saturday morning, after talking to his Dad about the rough, sleepless and painful night, we decided he should take him  to the clinic. They would keep me updated. I told Zach I was reachable except for 1 hour, when I was to get a massage. He kept me posted on the long wait at the clinic. See, texting can be such an awesome thing.

Just as I was shaking hands with the massage therapist, I got a text from Zach: “They are sending me to the hospital. Call Dad”.

To say my heart and stomach sank is an understatement. I literally ran out of the room and found Rob. I knew that when a clinic tells you to go to the children’s hospital, they mean business.

What I learned later on, was the doctor had said to Zach (and his Dad), “It could be a silent pneumonia or a whole bunch of other things that I really don’t want to talk about”. Zach said this really freaked him out and he quickly thought “I have to text Mom now because she’s not going to be available in a minute”!

It was a long drive home, but we got to listen to some conference talks on our way, which was a good distraction.

We arrived two hours later at the Children’s Hospital, and found them. They had done X-rays, and were going to do blood work. They had found a mass and were working to rule out all the “nasties” as the doctor called them.

More waiting. We sat in the lobby. So glad that my husband and ex husband get along so well, because this is not the time for divorce drama. Luckily my ex’s parents in law were in town too so they were able to take care of Josh the whole day. Funny how it all works, right? We all sat and talked and waited. And said lots of silent prayers.

Zach and I made a wish at the fountain in the lobby and the wish machine.

Finally, we saw the Doctor. Blood work normal. Chest Xray normal. No firm diagnosis and not sure what it is and why it is so painful, so still need more tests, but the “big nasties” were ruled out. So glad Rob was there because my mind was blank while the doctor talked. I knew I should ask questions, but couldn’t. Rob asked all the right questions (unfortunately he knew what to ask based on his own experience with his brother’s cancer) that he kept repeating the “good answers” over and over to me later on that night to reassure me that my greatest fear could be put to rest.

We were sent home, with instructions for pain, and follow up for more tests next week.

It was so hard though to walk away and kiss my little guy bye as he was going back to his Dad’s.

These are the big bad divorce moments that break my heart. All I wanted to do was snuggle with him, reassure him (because he was obviously nervous), and check in with him hourly to see how the pain was and if it was getting worse (we had to return to ER if it did).

Instead, I kissed him and he went back to his Dad’s. Rob thought it wasn’t such a bad thing as my babying him would probably make him nervous – and we both needed some distractions!

I distracted myself later on with a  sushi dinner, and playing doctor on the internet….. Of course, I jumped to my phone with every text, and ring. Rob, my solid rock, kept reassuring me and it made me feel so much better. Things will be fine. A few prayers also helped reassure me and I’m sure gave Zach the relief from the pain that he needed. On Sunday morning, he reported having been able to sleep through the night.

On Sunday, we hung out, after heading to the beach boardwalk for a little picnic breakfast. Then we came home and surrounded by cozy blankets and yummy snacks, we were spiritually nourished by conference.

Monday was a cook the turkey day, and then by night, we gathered everyone around for dinner (including Andrea and her kids, who we celebrate with every year as well as our friend Pat) to celebrate Thanksgiving. I was feeling especially grateful this year, especially for our health and our family.

We are truly blessed and fortunate to have our faith, our health, each other,  a wonderful home, a free country, our steady jobs, and all the little and big blessings in our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving (a couple days late:)

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Much to be Grateful For…. — 1 Comment

  1. Thank goodness for Zach’s glad everything went well at the hospital..what a true blessing.
    Love to Zach..
    Lauren Kate

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