Quote of the Week

“Talent is insignificant. I know a lot of talented ruins. Beyond talent lies all the usual words: discipline, love, luck, but most of all, endurance.” James Baldwin

I thought this quote was the perfect one as this weekend was the official start of the summer soccer season. At least it was in my mind, despite the fact that the soccer season never stopped around here with Zach, Josh, and even Sam having soccer 1-3 times per week since the end of last year’s “season.”

But this weekend was the first official tournament. The start of many hours sitting by the sidelines cheering and yelling, and sitting on the edge of my seat.

Except this weekend it was “extreme soccer” I think – as Zach played in the snow! It was super cold. We were all wrapped in our winter gear and looked terribly attractive wrapped in blankets too.

But you would never know how freezing cold Zach was as he played some great games.

Now talent certainly has something to do with the skills these boys of mine bring to the soccer field (or “pitch” as Josh explained to me on the sidelines. He explained the ins and outs of the rules and soccer terms that he was horrified to find out that I still did not follow – and still don’t – sorry). But what I see more than their talent, is their drive, their ambition, their desire, their hardwork, their passion, their discipline and their endurance.

And that does make me relieved and proud. I do believe that talent is important, and I admire so many of the talents I see my kids have been blessed with, and are trying to develop even more.

But there are many washed up “talents” in the world. It is all the other characteristics that will carry them through life. I was relieved that they are busy developing those skills that WILL benefit them in whatever they choose to do. And I was proud – because they have already put so much into their game and are proving that they have what it takes to accomplish anything they are committed to.

Now if only the weather could warm up, then let the games begin!

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Quote of the Week — 2 Comments

  1. Soccer in the snow does sound extreme!! Hope it warms up before you know it…but not too hot!! I never understood the finer points of the rules of soccer. Sounds like you’ll have plenty of time to figure it out with three guys playing!! –Lisa

  2. Ah, so true. My husband reminds me this all the time about my photography. “It won’t sell itself, you know!” Talent is definitely important, but there’s a lot more to success. Some people do fine without even talent, some people have both, some have neither! Soccer in the snow is making my feet feel cold but we’re expecting a forty degree difference between this morning and tomorrow afternoon. Brrrr..

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