Quote of the Week

We’ve been back a couple of weeks now (despite me just finishing my postings of our travels) and back into the swing of life.

At least the swing of the messed up summer schedule life we lead right now!

We don’t have all 5 kids together until the day before school; but get to have some time with just the boys, just the kids, and then just us!

In the midst of our vacations, camps, soccer, baseball, exercise (Rob’s rehab) and work, we have dealt with some issues with some of our kids. Is there ever a time that we aren’t doing that??

So, when I saw this quote, it rang so true:

“Fear is temporary. Regret is forever.”

I can’t tell you the number of times I have said the words, “in our house, we do hard things.”

And sometimes, doing hard things means facing your fears.

And sometimes you need to face your fears so that you know that you can do it.

And sometimes you need to know that you don’t have to do it alone.

We push our kids to face their fears because we believe in them, and know that they can do it. We push them so they know that they can fly! We push them so that they know in the future, they have an experience that they can look back on and find comfort and strength that they were able to do it.

And sometimes we may push too hard, or not push on the right things. One day, we may find out that it was a mistake. But, Rob and I both agreed that we would prefer that our kids resent us when they are older for pushing them too hard, than for not pushing them to their potential and not believing they can do it!

Because fear is temporary and regret is forever.

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Quote of the Week — 8 Comments

    • I use it all the time. Read it a few years ago on someone else’s blog. It is constantly said in our house— easier for some kids to hear than others (especially when that is not the motto in their other home:)

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