Cape Town 

The Internet is still not cooperating:( I get a little bit of connectivity to get a wee post up, but certainly not a real one with photos. But, I have been writing along the way, so will likely post daily when I return home to catch up! I don’t want to miss the chance to capture these memories in writing and in photos, even though they have left such deep impressions in my mind and heart. 

To say the safaris exceeded our expectations would be an understatement. Words can not describe the adventure, the awe, the majesty of these animals and their natural surroundings. You are removed to another place – certainly a thin place – where you can really gain some perspective on how simple this world is and how the circle of life and Mother Nature have it all figured out….and how we are such a small part of how it all works. 

We arrived in Cape Town yesterday. A stark difference from the threatening Johannesburg. We had a great first day and even went to Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was in prison for 18 of the 27 years. Sobering, educational and humbling visit. Cape Town is gorgeous and we are looking forward to exploring it and the outskirts over the next few days. 

We have all truly grown and learned  so much, and chuckle at the teachers who huffed about us taking the kids out of school a few days to come here. Sorry, this education is priceless and we are so fortunate and grateful to have it. 


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Cape Town  — 1 Comment

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