July is a busy month for birthdays!
Today is Sam’s 6th Birthday! Happy Birthday Sammie-Bear, Skato-Potatoe with your dog Finnigan!
After spending the day with his Mom, Sam came back to celebrate with steak, poutine and a rainbow cake!
What do we love about Sam? Just about everything – but I’ll list just 6, since it is his 6th birthday:
1. He is smart as a whip
2. He is fast – in everything he does
3. He is a happy guy: laughing, smiling, generally happy. He has a great sense of humour!
4. He is so coordinated and very sporty
5. He gets really cute when he sees dark skies and thinks there is any chance of thunder
6. He uses his hands when he talks and is so expressive: facial expressions, body language, gestures, tone of voice, grown up words
So cute! We love you so much Sam! Happy 6th Birthday!
Lots of love,
Smom and Dad