
In our faith, you get baptized when you are 8 years old.

We don’t actually believe in the concept of “original sin”, so babies and children are seen as completely innocent and pure and therefore have no need for baptism.

But at the age of 8, it is deemed that they are at an “age of accountability”, where they are old enough to know the difference between right and wrong and are able to make choices.

Of course, for many reasons, many people get baptized at a later age as well. Regardless of the age, it is a pretty special occasion. It’s a simple service, but an important ordinance in our faith.

While Zach and Josh were both baptized at the age of 8, Gabe, Zandra and Sam were not. We were expecting them to wait until they were 18 and could make the decision themselves without any parental permission, however they all had a strong desire to do so earlier. Gabe decided he wanted to be baptized a couple of years ago, at the age of 17, and a couple weeks ago, Zandra and Sam had the opportunity to do the same.

Gabe was home for a week in between his two semesters, so we decided to hold the baptism then.

A bunch of Zandra’s friends came, but I only got pics with these guys:

And of course Sam needed to get in on the action with the girls:

The famous five reunited:

These are the wonderful sister missionaries that helped out and spent a lot of time helping Zandra and Sam prepare for their special day:

Getting ready:

Then they changed into their whites:

We had a little reception afterwards:

It was a beautiful day!



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Baptism — 3 Comments

  1. Congrats to you for having your entire family baptized in your church. They seem like great young people!

    I do have a question – I think it’s great to wait until an age of accountability to baptize people. Not sure if I agree that 8 years old is mature enough or old enough to make such a lifelong commitment to anything, religion or otherwise… but if that’s what your church teaches, so be it.

    My question….I am a little familiar with LDS, but obviously not that much since I did not know you don’t believe in the concept of original sin. I know babies are born innocent and have not sinned yet… but after the sins of Adam and Eve everyone is born in sin, right? That is the whole point of Jesus having to come down and sacrifice his life so humans can be forgiven. Even babies.

    Do you believe that babies are born PERFECT, then gradually become imperfect as they grow up into adults? If they are born perfect, then why are some born ill or deformed and die? Isn’t that a result of the sins of Adam and Eve?

    Thanks in advance for your explanation. And please, explain – don’t just direct me to the LDS website. I would like to hear an actual member of a religion explain it to me in their own words.

    • Hi Maria,

      Thanks for your comment. Yes, age 8 is the “age of accountability”, although
      I suspect sometimes my kids knew exactly what they were doing before then,
      and some of my teens don’t seem to know what they are doing now! I do think
      that despite being baptized at the age of 8, everyone as they get older must
      determine what their true beliefs and convictions are and be recommitting
      over and over again (which is actually what we do when we renew our
      covenants on a weekly basis by taking the sacrament). My kids will have to
      search and ponder and decide for themselves as they continue to get older if
      they choose to continue to follow the LDS faith (and BTW, they are exposed
      to many other faiths and religions – living in an area with much diversity
      (they are the only LDS kids in their schools), as well as having other
      parents who are not LDS). I suspect if you consider 8 to be too young to be
      making a lifelong commitment, then certainly being a baby and being baptized
      is far too young to make that commitment too! Again, I think everyone
      travels a journey through life to explore their faith and beliefs.

      Great question about original sin! We do believe that babies are born
      innocent and pure, and as they go through life, they will make mistakes
      (sins, transgressions etc) and that is why having our Saviour, Jesus Christ,
      who came down and atoned for us is so important! So yes, the whole point of
      Christ’s sacrifice is so that we can be perfected in him. But, we believe
      that we are not accountable for Adam and Eve’s sin, but we are accountable
      for our own. Actually one of our “articles of faith” (statements which
      summarize our beliefs) states: We believe that men will be punished for
      their own sins and not for Adam’s transgression.

      As far as your comment about babies being born ill or deformed, I wish I had
      an answer as to why! However, I do NOT believe (and it is NOT in LDS
      teachings) that any person born with challenges is a result of Adam and
      Eve’s transgression, nor a punishment of any sort. I have a beautiful,
      amazing, smart younger sister who was born with CP, and while her challenges
      here on earth have been great due to her physical and cognitive
      disabilities, I firmly believe that she is one of the choicest spirits and
      such a blessing to all who know her. And while she has been faced with so
      many challenges here on earth and (I DO question, why – because I am human
      and do not understand all things), I also know that she is wonderful and
      loved, and an example to us all and one day she will be perfected in
      Christ… Thanks for stopping by. I hope I answered your questions a little

  2. So special a day for Zandra and Samuel. So sad we were not able to be there but were there with our hearts and minds and prayers. Wonderful pictures and memories for a lifetime.

    Love, Gran

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