Two quotes from the past couple weeks:
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”
“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking” (Marcus Aurelius)
Our discussions at home seem to revolve around mindset a lot. How your thoughts create your feelings which lead to your actions and those actions determine your results.
It seems like all our quotes are centered around this too.
And so many of our Family Home Evenings.
I feel like the sand in the hourglass is running out – and quickly.
I feel that way, because, well… it is.
Two more of my babies are getting ready to fly and I worry if I have prepared them enough with the tools that they need.
I don’t know.
I hope so.
But as my back up, I am trying to prepare them with the most important things:
Remembering who they are, where they came from and why they are here.
Remembering that they are more than just themselves, they are part of a larger eternal unit.
Remembering that they are never alone. They have a loving Heavenly Father, they have the gift of the Holy Ghost and they have us. Always.
Remembering that they can never go too far – there is always a way back.
Remembering that we are always there for them. Thick and thin. Good and Bad.
Remembering that they can choose their thoughts and choose the results in their lives.
Remembering that they are not responsible for anyone else’s happiness.
Remembering that life WILL give them lemons. Expect them 50% of the time.
Remembering that they CAN handle the lemons. They CAN do hard things. They are meant to do hard things.
Remembering that they only fail if they fail to try. And if they do fail, then fail forward – learn from their failures.
Remembering that they are loved and have great worth – inherently. They don’t need to earn love or worth.
There are so many things I want them to know… I hope that these next few months I’ll continue to reinforce these and remember other things I want them to remember…
So for now, our quotes will likely revolve around the same type of message:)