Zach’s Mission Call

Exciting days over here!

So much going on!

Back in February, Zach found out he was accepted into BYU and we were thrilled for him. Zandra then found out a couple of weeks ago that she was accepted into BYU Hawaii. We were all very excited for them both getting into the schools they wanted. They both worked super hard and we are very proud of all their hard work and efforts!

Zach decided that he wanted to defer his acceptance and instead serve a two year mission for our church. He completed all his paperwork and submitted everything on March 27th.

The waiting game began.

There is a new system this year where your call assignments are sent to you via internet – as opposed to snail mail. We knew that it was a quick turn around, but heard that things might be slowed down due to there being a worldwide semi annual conference for our church on the first weekend in April.

We were all pins and needles.

I said to Zach, it was like waiting for him to be born. So much talk: is it a boy or a girl? What would we name him/her? When would he/she be born? What would it be like.

And then he was born. We were excited, but there was a certainty about things: he was a boy, he was born on this day, and this is how he was born.

Waiting for a mission call was just like that: stateside or foreign? Language or no language? When? What training centre? You can be sent literally anywhere in the world, so there is really a lot of speculation. Everyone we knew – whether they are members of our church or not – was engaged in the guessing and the excitement/anxiety.

On Tuesday morning, April 9th, I received a text from Zach:

Finally here.

I couldn’t concentrate much. I ended up going home and baking cookies and brownies. I managed to make dinner too, lol.

We invited people over for 7:30 but everyone arrived earlier.

Everyone gathered around the map to make their choices. I chose Tahiti (as did his Gran), Rob chose Zimbabwe, Zandra chose the Philippines, Josh chose Winnipeg, Sam chose The Congo, Gabe chose Papua New Guinea, Shannon chose Germany. There were choices in Europe, Central America, South America, Africa and even a few in North America!

Love Josh’s laugh:

8:15 was the pre-determined time (all his friends had finished work by then).

The crowd watching:

He pulled up the computer and nervously began reading.

He commented when he opened the email, “Oh, it’s there”, which had us laughing:

Oh the things that go through your mind!

Elder Fiore…. you are assigned to labour in the ….

He looked up and paused, then continued:

We were dying!


I totally screamed and jumped up and down before hugging him tight!

Mama always knows best! My guess won:) (along with my my Mom!)

I love the reaction of his friends – especially Ian in the blue hoodie! This is obviously so foreign for them but they have been supportive and excited every step of the way! He has the best friends!

And I love how he put his hands on his head in disbelief:

My father served in that exact mission back in the 50’s – he was one of 12 missionaries and was involved in opening up many areas. In my heart I desperately wanted Zach to serve in Tahiti as I felt that would make it a bit easier to bear him being gone knowing that my Dad as watching over him closely and Zach walked in his exact footsteps 60 years later.

I was a little freaked out when he continued reading and saw the date he goes, given we knew Zandra has to head off August 24/25 for Hawaii. My face said it all when he said the date:

Zach should be prepared to arrive at the MTC (Missionary Training Centre) in Provo, Utah on August 21, 2019, and should be prepared to learn and then teach the Gospel in the French language. Everyone has also told us that he will learn Tahitian (like my Dad did).

It was so incredible to see the reactions and support from our family, friends and neighbours – who were there and on FaceTime. So much excitement. Lots of tears of joy. It was crazy. We were all on a high. Lots of hugs:

Big brother Gabe FaceTiming him:

Love this one of him and Zandra hugging! My Pacific island family twins we can now call them!


I’m sad that I missed out on taking some more formal shots with all his friends and with his siblings. But, it was an exciting night and I don’t think any of us were thinking straight!

It was only the next day that we got a little real and teary about how hard it’s going to be to say farewell for 2 years.

And how much stuff there is to get done between now and then!

But, my heart is at peace. This is what I know he wants to do, and needs to do. This is where I know he is meant to serve. I know he will have incredible experiences that will change his life forever and I am so excited for him.

I just may be a bit of a mess come August and September with having said good bye to my family twins.

The next morning these two had a school event requiring the wearing suits:

Zach grabbed a little Book Of Mormon to hold!

I made them pose for some pictures. My babies are pretty much grown, but forever my babies!

Lots of adventures to look forward to!



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Zach’s Mission Call — 3 Comments

  1. Reading this blog, I’m crying just like I was when he opened his mission call on Tuesday evening. But they are tears of joy and gratitudet for prayers answered. I am so happy that Zach has chosen to serve and I know This is where he is supposed to go, without any shadow of a doubt. I know his grandfather is looking down upon him and was present as Zach opened up his call.
    So very excited and happy for Zachary.

    All my love,. Gran

  2. Love all the expressions on all your faces !
    An evening none of you will ever forget !

    So glad Zach will be in a place that was so important to your dad ❤️

    We will both be needing each other big time in August (probably the same week too !! ) as our kids start leaving the nest !


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