The next morning we boarded an early morning flight to Maui. There, we met Gabe and Shannon!
Years ago we decided that when our kids got married we would do a “welcome to the family”trip with the new couple. However, with the timing of their marriage, we really had no money saved for this kind of trip! We are still behind in the 16 trips for Josh and Sam! And then the wedding, the mission and BYUH really were zingers all in a few months of each other! Also the fact that Gabe can’t leave the US right now due to immigration limbo meant we had to get creative! Joining us in Hawaii seemed like a great option. We knew we only had a few days though (as we needed to get home bcs the little boys start school) – but they could stay on to take advantage of the full week we had booked through our timeshare.
We were excited to spend this time with them! They had already arrived when we got there. We picked up our rental and off we went!
We went for lunch close by and got Rob a swim shirt bcs he had burned himself the day before at the beach and needed to cover up!

We checked in and then headed up the coast to Napoli beach. It was so beautiful!

We picked up a few groceries for breakfasts and headed back.
We went and watched the sunset which was beautiful.

That night Rob wasn’t feeling so hit so we just found a pub across the street for dinner.
We were zonked and headed to bed soooooo early!