It was a very different Christmas Eve and Day.
We had Gabe and Shannon on FaceTime for our Christmas Eve program, and then all talked to Zach on Christmas Eve. (Rob and I also talked to him on Christmas Day)
We had to make do and everyone had to change things up and take on multiple roles:
Rob read us his Christmas poem:
And then the kids waited to hear the little bell and head on down to open presents:
I didn’t get any pictures of us eating because Zach had called so we were on with him while we ate!
We played a game after, and then watched Mr. Krueger’s Christmas
The next morning we weren’t up too early – but the kids did their Santa gifts and stockings:
We had a nice breakfast and took some fun photos:
The kids then all left to be with their other parents.
Rob and I headed out to spend some time with his Mom.
We then made it back and had a lonnnnnggggg talk with Zach and it was the best! He has been really struggling and feeling terrible, so having the chance to just talk to us I think was really helpful. And – Christmas miracle – he got his Christmas package on Christmas morning!!! He was excited to get all the things for his stocking (I wish I had sent him more things though!) and his Santa hat which he wore for a good chunk of our call! As soon as I saw the hat – I knew he had received the package!! I was so grateful! We haven’t seen him smile like this in a while:)
It made for a great end of a different Christmas. I think the next few Christmases will be a bit of an adjustment….