While yesterday was a low-key day, we decided to pack things in today!
First up, paragliding!
I don’t know what made me want to do it, but I did.

Josh was a little iffy. He researched the death rate – 1 in 1000?!??! (I’m not so sure about this – he might have been exaggerating to dissuade me).
But he then read that the safest place to do it was Switzerland, so he was in.

Interlaken Paragliding was right next to our hotel, so we walked over mid morning and they gave us some gear…
We headed up the mountain to the starting point.

It was super foggy so we had to wait for the clouds to clear.
Once they cleared, we were off!


Here are tons of photos of this incredible experience! I was surprisingly calm! Both Josh and Rob were pretty nervous at first but then got into it.
Rob went first:

Then me:

It was pretty amazing!

And finally Josh (we were all up there together but we just took off one at a time. The pictures Josh has of one paraglider up ahead is me:))
I loved Josh’s photos the best!

We decided to have a chill afternoon and went on a boat cruise on the Thun Lake (Interlaken – means between two lakes so we went on one of the lakes). It was so pretty.

It was a super chill ride.

Once we arrived at Thun, we got out and walked around. Another little cute town!

We trained back and looked for a restaurant.

My favourite chocolate shop with my favourite chocolate truffle!

A lot of things were closed – so we found one that looked pretty good. Aside from an abrasive host (we laughed about it!) we had a nice meal.

Ready to move on to Zermatt!