Wow. Such a beautiful city.
And so compact!
We were a little slow moving this morning but made our way to breakfast and then set out.

We chuckled at this sushi restaurant in the parking garage, lol.

Gorgeous views everywhere!
We went to see the view from Lindenhof.

We basically wandered old town. I had a list of places to hit – but at one point we had walked around the same block three times!

But it was so stunning. Lots of high end stores. The boys looked in a lot of watch store windows on the Bahnhofstrasse.

We also went to St Peter’s Church.

Another church:
Some more great views:

We went to the famous and iconic Grossmunster where we climbed the 187 very steep steps to the tower.
The amazing door:

The basement was pretty cool:
The tower:

Incredible views from the tower:

But then we had to go down…

We wandered the streets for a bit longer before heading back for a siesta.
After the siesta, we went to the University and took in some views of the amazing city!

We were all pretty hungry and decided fondue was on our mind – so we found a cute restaurant that served fondue and sat outside with blankets. It felt very Swiss:) It started getting cold near the end though!

Rob put another blanket on me at the end (I didn’t sit there like this:))

We headed back to chill in the room. Josh was exhausted but Rob and I headed out in the evening for a long evening walk in old town.

What a beautiful city!