I have always loved New York, but when you have a kid living there – it is even better!
Gabe and Shannon spent a year in Florida where he completed his first year law school. And while Florida for winter beach getaways and Disney is good, it was just not for them.
We were also thrilled when he said they were headed to Brooklyn Law School to complete his degree! Shannon works virtually so it doesn’t matter where she lives (although since being in New York she has also picked up some in person work which is fun!).
He started 2nd year law in September and is loving it. Looks like they want to make New York their home!
Shannon was heading to Australia for her brother’s wedding and Gabe had to stay back for school, so we decided to head to NYC to spend American Thanksgiving with him.
We were able to spend a few hour with Shannon before she left, then spent 3 more days with Gabe, It was like his 16 trip all over again!!
We also got to have a real American Thanksgiving dinner with some of my cousins and family who live in Brooklyn (and other family came from Princeton and Ottawa). It was so nice!
Gabe “showed” us around. As I have mentioned, Rob and I have both been to NYC multiple times, but it was so nice to see it from Gabe’s eyes now that he calls it home. He already has figured out some great local places, knows the subway like the back of his hand and was a perfect host.
We were exhausted walking so much – but we had beautiful weather, enjoyed some good food, lots of good discussions and all around enjoyed spending this time with him. We are excited that they are living much closer to us and in fact, we are hearing down in January again after new years with some of the other kids to see them!
Here are some snaps of our few days