Another one leaving the teens… entering adulthood.
How did I let this happen!?!?

We went to Ottawa this weekend to visit Josh. We had a nice lunch, hung out a bit and then met some of his new friends.

Gone are the days when I would be coordinating play dates and he would be mainly friends with the kids of my friends!

Lots to love and appreciate about this boy.
He is a very good hugger.

He is very funny and can make us all laugh!

He has an adventurous spirit. Last year he travelled Europe – managing to navigate all the covid restrictions, and then headed to Thailand.

He has a nice sensitive side. Compassion, empathy, kindness – they are all there and come out when he interacts with kids and Reggie:)

He is a good friend -very loyal, and very social (with his friends -but he can also be super shy with others !)
He knows so many random things – this seems to be a trend in this house. He is a smartie with all the info packed in there.

He has a fierce independence streak. (Which can sometimes be annoying to me as a mom lol)

Despite his independence and aloofness, he loves his family:)

He has diverse interests – he’s taking Japanese this semester!
He loves his alone time – to walk, listen to music, shoot hoops in the back.

He loves to play sports and is good at them all!
Overall, I think I’ll keep him as my baby. LOL

Happy Birthday Joshua!!!
Love you more and always