Well we are finally rounding up the last of the 16 trips.
It was such a good idea when we first came up with it years ago – but who knew that Covid would hit, and that life would get incredibly busy over the years which would lead to Josh having an almost 19 trip and Sam having a 17.5 trip.
Better late than never.
So here we are – the final 16 trip.
Sam decided to go to England. Being a music nut, he wanted to hit London, Liverpool and Manchester.
We arrived in London and hit the road pretty quick after checking into our cute hotel on top of a neighourhood pub. We had a fish and chip lunch and then headed out.
The tube was a 7 min walk which was great, but we opted to make our way by foot to see Westminster Abbey.
We walked along some pretty posh streets and then saw the Abbey (it was closed), Big Ben, headed to Trafalgar Square, saw the London Eye, then walked through the park to Buckingham Palace.
We headed back and found a cute restaurant near our hotel for Indian food.
The next day I had a little route all planned out, but then we got a call from our guide for a music tour that I thought I had booked on Sunday! Oops!
We quickly went to meet our guide and had a fantastic tour. He took us all around and pointed out all the historical spots – recording studios, cafes, studios. Lots of trivia about David Bowie, Oasis, Sex Pistols, etc.
After our tour, we did a few more touristy walks – to Tower of London, London bridge, tower bridge etc.

That night we headed for dinner to my old friend Shar who moved back to London several years ago. We got to meet her partner and had a great catch up and visit (and meal!).

The next day Sam headed off on his own to visit some friends who were also visiting just outside of London – and Rob and I had the day to ourselves!
We walked around for a bit, had tea and then went and saw Wicked! We ended our day with a yummy dinner at a local Italian restaurant.

Our last day, we decided to head out of the city and rented a car and drove to the White Cliffs of Dover. We hiked along the cliffs – it was gorgeous – but super super windy!!

We grabbed some scones, cream and jam for a snack too:)
After our hike, we headed to Canterbury – visited the Cathedral and then walked around town. We found a cute pub and had some traditional food (pot pies and roast).

On our way back, we stopped at the Arsenal Stadium – Sam’s fave soccer team and then headed back.

Rob and Sam went and played some darts and I headed back to the hotel.
Next stop – Liverpool!