
This past year I joined a Mastermind led by the woman who truly introduced me to life coaching.

Not to say I had not heard of life coaching. One of my BFFs had been a life coach for many years, and back in 2014 I actually became certified as a life coach.

But in 2017, on a family trip to Cambodia, I was frustrated with my kids (lol) and googled something like “bad lds mom advice” and a podcast came up called “Be Bold Mom”. I started listening the podcast, hosted by a Life Coach, Jody Moore. That podcast led me to learn about The Life Coach School. I spent the next couple of years learning and listening, joined Jody Moore’s membership program called Be Bold and then eventually became certified with The Life Coach School.

Since the beginning though, Jody Moore was always a great example to me of the kind of coach I wanted to be and I have been learning from her for years. A couple of years ago she started a business program and I set my sights on it. Then last year, I decided I really wanted to invest in my business and decided to join her mastermind.

What a great experience it has been!!

We met in person 3 times – last September, in February, and then last week (end of June). And then had calls in between.

I went into knowing that I would learn a lot about my business, and I had said that I was looking for the experience – the journey – and that is what I got – and more.

I met so many amazing people and my mind was stretched in so many ways, and so many opportunities and shifts happened. It was truly an experience that I am grateful for having and has propelled me into a direction I love

It was because of one thing that led to another that led to another that led to another that led me to start my Advanced Training in Nervous System Resilience – which I am halfway through taking 10 coaches through! Wahoo!!

I wanted to post some pictures of the three weekends so I have them to help jog my memory!

From September:

Then in February:

Then last week…

Amazing experience with so many amazing humans:)

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