A couple of weeks ago we went to NYC for Gabe’s graduation.

He was graduating from Brooklyn law school and the actual ceremony was the Monday so we decided it only make sense to spend the whole weekend there.
It fell right on Mother’s Day so the perfect opportunity to get Zach to come join us! Rachael was in India for a Nursing school program. Zandra was also able to join us!
Rob and I flew in early Friday morning as did Zach.
We went for a little walk to check out the gorgeous city view near them, and had the BEST raspberry croissants.

The boys headed off to Queens as they had planned a whole day exploring and doing their own food tour there.

They had a great time, including using the claw machine to get some fun souvenirs (long story but basically Rob wanted to try to get one and didn’t realize the machine did not give change so they ended up having a lot of trials on the claw machine!)
Shannon and I went into the city and met up with some coaches for lunch and I CAN’T BELIEVE I HAVE NO PHOTOS!!! We had a really great time meeting up with some coaches, and then we walked along 5th avenue (stopping to sample a cookie of course) and did a bit of shopping.
That night we headed out to get some pizza.

The next morning Zandra arrived early and came over to our hotel.

We had a an early start and decided to walk the Brooklyn bridge before going to brunch with Gabe and Shannon.

We then went to meet up wiht Gabe and Shannon for brunch.

We gave Gabe a watch for graduation. He has worked so incredibly hard – it so nice for him to feel the rewards (internal and external) of his efforts! He already has a job lined up – just has to write the bar in July.

After lunch we headed into the city to walk around and headed to the Highline. It was so super busy!

Ask me if it was a tiring day, lol.

Zandra had a friend in town so she met up with her and the Rob, Zach and I went for dinner with Shannon’s parents (Gabe and Shannon went for dinner with Gabe’s mom – it requires a lot of juggling to squeeze everything and everyone in!). We went for Chinese and ended up getting the same chicken with slight variations of sauce lol.
When you travel with Zach he takes advantage of every single second, so he wanted to go walk the Brooklyn bridge at night too. Gabe and Rob joined him but I had to pass (I developed a shin splint and it was KILLING me and my ankle was swollen!) But I enjoyed the picture and the stories after!

It was a great first couple of days!