Quote of the Week

Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force, but through persistence.


I love how it always happens that I come across a quote that is exactly what I need to hear at that exact time!

Water has always amazed me.  The power of a drop of water. The majestic ocean is simply made up of drops. Many, many drops, mind you, but drops.

I love the ocean and when I am at the ocean always think about how it can be the calmest sea, or be in a violent rage. You can float and gently head out to sea, or you can be tossed and turned and dragged under by the riptides. It’s pretty amazing, I think.

A drop of water can be nothing, and not even quench your thirst. But when drops constantly accumulate, they can turn into a large body water. When water consistently drips, it can become one of the worst tortures. Or, as the quote says, it can make dramatic changes, even in stone. A drop is so powerful.

I love to set goals, and I love the idea of setting goals. But sometimes the long term goal is just too much, especially when it is a big one. Sometimes even short term goals are too much! I find myself more and more making goals, and then just putting them aside temporarily and getting to work on the tiny step that is in front of me that will lead in that direction.

I remind myself of the greatness of that tiny drop of water when applied consistently. That drop is just like my small step or small action. I remind myself that all that matters is that small step I am taking in the direction that I want to go. I don’t have to run, or race, or do it all now. I just need to keep going.

Keep dripping in the same spot. Over and over, and eventually, great changes will occur!

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