First client of the day.
I sat down with my client, pulled his file out, engaged in some small chit chat, then went to put my phone on silent, when a text buzzed in.
I don’t usually respond to texts when I am with a client, but I happened to see it was from one of my boys, so I glanced at it.
It started with:
“If u get an email from Ms XYZ, i didn’t even do it…”
Yeah. Great.
I told my client, apologetically, I had to respond. My client was very gracious, told me to even call my son, “because I want to hear this!!”
I didn’t call but there was a slew of texts back and forth leaving me feeling a little puzzled with what the actual story was… I can’t wait to hear it in more detail.
I shared the text with Rob, who of course was laughing and then he cheered me up with this little video.
It seems I’m not the only one with a kid who seems to find trouble: Check it out
I have two kids that are pretty much blameless, too!! 😉
Janine Huldie recently posted…Truth, Colored Cars & Play Me In Poker
ha! Love the Simpsons rap.
And uh.. sometimes I still… shirk blame. At 34!
Tamara recently posted…Happy Birthday To You. You Live in a Zoo!
That is the kind of text that always requires some follow up!!! Hope you share the whole story later:)
Kim recently posted…One Size Does NOT Fit All!!
You gotta love texts like that, don’t you? Hard to believe Bart has been around longer than our kids…that boy has been in trouble for decades!
Dana recently posted…My Love List for March