One More Night

My Mom often sends me links to articles she has read that concern parenting or mothering, from various magazines or newspapers.

This week she sent me this one and it really moved me.

The article was based on a comment made by one of the presidential candidates recently. The candidate said that there wasn’t a single parent of grown children who wouldn’t like to go back and have one evening again with them. This author then went on to describe what kind of an evening she would have with her kids if she could go back….

What struck me about the article was how the things she would choose to do are all the little, mundane, routine things that we do so often, and often rush through them quickly. She didn’t didn’t wish for one more zoo trip, one more outing to the movies, one more amusement park, or one more shopping excursion. She didn’t even wish for one more vacation with them (although I know I will always crave vacationing with my kids:). She wished for one more night to sit with them at dinner, and share their day, and leave them words of wisdom and hear their funny stories. She wished to be able to encourage them to get back to studying, to share the end of night family routine, and then to snuggle with each in bed to have some individual time together.

It got me thinking because of course, even though I no longer have any more nights where I feel the hot breath of a babe on my neck, or  rock a little one to sleep, my kids are still relatively little. I still have the family dinners that are loud and boisterous and filled with laughter and sharing of days. I still am pushing for homework to get done and writing little pre-tests for those with tests, or signing agenda books and helping them study. We still are gathered around the same TV to watch our favorite show (Amazing Race and Gilmore Girls right now), or enjoying tons of junk for a family movie night, and then lying in our bed to read as a family (The Breadwinner right now). We still struggle with getting to family scripture time, and starting and ending the day in family prayer, and consistently sitting through  FHE without too many wiggles. We still enjoy lazy afternoons doing art, playing sports, or making surprise dinners. At night, I can still spend the alone time with each one, talking about our day, singing silly songs, or discussing dreams or problems. I still get hugs, kisses and hair tickles everyday. I still have my babes with me.

These days, I know, are slowly disappearing into faded memories; just like the days I remember of my babies when I was sleep deprived and covered with spit up. The time slips by….

But I do have one more night with them at this stage now, and I am so grateful for my Mom for sending me this article to remind me of how precious the time is right now. I want to be really present for these nights, and stop and remember when I am feeling tired, frustrated, rushed or overwhelmed, at the blessing I have to have “one more night”.

One more night that will create one more memory in both my heart and the hearts of my precious children.

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