Quote of the Week

I wanted to start this year off right, by having a quote that was a bit symbolic of what I hoped for the year to come.

I don’t know where I heard this quote, – and really it’s not really a “quote” – but I knew I wanted to use it:

“Why not YOU?”

Really. Why not YOU??

I want to start this year off reminding my kids that ANYTHING is possible. A little talent, a lot of hard work, a great attitude, a lot of prayer, putting yourself in good situations, having great support (which often flows from being a good person) and of course, some faith – can allow you to have your dreams fulfilled.

It’s going to be someone – someone who gets the highest grade, who makes the team, who gets the lead in the play, who gets published, who wins the race, who scores the winning goal, who gets the raise, who gets the job – why not YOU?

Of course, we will all have our failures. But sometimes, we have already assumed that it “won’t be me.” Already assumed that, “I’ll never make the team, never get that job, never become a professional soccer player, never be good at running, never read that many books, never get that assignment done, never get on the honour roll.” We are defeated before we even try.

But you know what? It’s going to be SOMEONE who does it. Why couldn’t it be you?

So this year, our mindset around here is to try. Try for everything. Try for the things we never thought we could do. Try to stretch ourselves out of our comfort zones and reach for the stars.

Aim high, work hard, have faith and do your best because —- why shouldn’t it be you?


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Quote of the Week — 10 Comments

  1. I love it. I think it a lot because the chances of winning the lottery.. or just winning a blog giveaway.. or getting a submitted story in a book.. they’re sometimes against us.
    Yet. Someone has to achieve these goals. Why not me?
    Tamara recently posted…Go Ahead, Ask Me Anything.My Profile

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