Tromsø, Norway, Day One

(Warning: I know a lot of the pictures look the same; but I have a hard time choosing and I like to remember the allllllll!)

We awoke to beautiful blue skies and radiant sunshine. After breakfast, we headed out to start the day.

Within a few minutes, after going to take one picture with my proper camera, I realized my camera was broken!! Panic set in!!! We tried to find a camera shop close by – but there wasn’t one. I almost had a melt down. Seriously.

We (Ok –  Rob talked me down and convinced me it’s not the end of the world) decided to make the best of it. Rob’s super good with the iPhone, and my camera sporadically worked (if you turn it on and off every picture, and remove the battery every so often.)

We headed over the bridge where there is a cable car that takes you up the mountain so you can oversee Tromsø. It was about a 45 minute walk and the scenery everywhere was just beautiful!

We headed up the cable car and saw the most stunning views!

We headed further up the mountain too. The snow is so packed solid!


Afterwards, we headed back and stopped in the famous Arctic Cathedral.

We were hungry for lunch, and had read about this great little pub: Huken Pub. It was seriously delicious with Rob feasting on their blueberry and bacon pancake (he had to take out tons of bacon – we had never seen so much!) and I had their burger.

We headed back to our hotel for a snooze as we knew it was going to be a late one as we had a Northern Lights Tour!

We met our guide and she informed us that there was a quite a bit of cloud so we would have to head east, close to the Finnish border. So we did.

We stopped for a short time in one area and waited, but nothing.

We continued on and found some clear skies. They set up camp here and built a fire and served us some fish stew (very yummy)!

The lights started to appear – but were mainly white streaks and movements in the sky. However, at some points, you could see them dancing – but only could see colour when you captured them with a good camera. It was a challenge using my sad, broken camera, but we managed to a get a few nice shots. Unfortunately, the colours were not visible to the naked eye. I captured these:

Luckily our guide has a much better camera and captured these:

Did mention it was FREEZING cold?!?! Even completely bundled like I have never been?!?!

At about 1:00 am they decided to head back and we arrived back in Tromsø close to 3am. I was happy to have seen the Northern Lights (technically) but am still holding out for a spectacular show another night!!

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