Quote(s) of the Week(s)

With working on all our Morocco posts, the quote of the week fell off the wagon.

But we still had some good ones up in our kitchen and shared during Family Night that I wanted to share:

“The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose”.

So many times we struggle with what is the purpose of all this? Why are we here? What are we supposed to do? Is there something we are supposed to do.

I love this quote because it simplifies it: you are here to live a life of purpose.

What is your purpose? Well, the beauty is living each day to find purpose. To make each day count. To do things that are uplifting. To be inspired and inspire others. To serve. To love. To laugh. To learn. To leave a legacy.

“Worry pretends to be necessary”

I was listening to a podcast while I was driving when I heard this one and as soon as I stopped driving I had to write it down

Because it is soooooo true!!

I think we feel like if we aren’t worrying, then it seems like we don’t care. I think sometimes people actually judge your care and your concern (and maybe even you love??) by how much you worry. I’ve seen it myself, where people will say to me “Aren’t you worried about xyz”, as if somehow I’m lacking if I am not worried.

Worry is fake.

It makes you feel like you are more invested in something than you really are (at you are the same level of invested whether you worry or not).

You’re actually only more invested in the problem though.

Worry prevents you from being part of the solution. It allows you the indulgence to stay stuck, to not move forward and sometimes to not even take full responsibility (let others do the work as you are too busy worrying).

Now, I’m not saying it’s easy not to worry. It’s not! It’s hard to stop the what if’s and the maybes. But it is so helpful to me to remember that worry is about things in the future that may not even happen. It helps me to remember that I probably should not expend the limited energy and emotional brain power I have now on things that may never occur. Is it not more productive to use that energy on my NOW. On things I can control (namely my thoughts).

I’m ready to call the bluff on worry. It does not serve me well and I’m going to continue to try not to give it a dominant place in my mind and heart.

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