Our mini (hospital) getaway

In the midst of all the Covid-19 chaos, isolation measures and preparing for Zach’s mission reassignment, Josh decided it was a good idea to plan a getaway for the American long weekend.

He went to her Dad’s on Thursday night and had a whole big bag of gummy bears and went to bed with a bit of a stomach ache.

He woke up early to a much worse stomach pain, and figured it was not the gummies. Dr. Zach luckily was in the room and determined that it was appendicitis, which Josh quickly researched, agreed on the diagnosis and then they both agreed they should get their Dad up.

Heading to the hospital in the state of emergency the city is in is not ideal. Poor timing Josh, lol. Only one parent allowed in at a time and so I sat and waited several hours outside the hospital for them to do all the tests they needed to indeed diagnose appendicitis.

A few hours later his Dad and I switched and I waited with Josh for them to admit him. It was a busy day and they had to do a Covid screening. They advised that they could not do surgery until he was cleared from Covid. I was informed it would take 6-12 hours to do.

When we were finally transferred upstairs, they indicated that it was more like 12-24 hours for the Covid screening. But they operated round the clock so surgery could be anytime. I was a bit concerned about them waiting, but they assured me he was already on antibiotics, his vomiting had stopped and he seemed to be more comfortable; all indicators that everything was fine.

Early the next morning they came to let us know they were going to be operating shortly; and very shortly after they came by to pick him up. We went to the surgical floor and off he went.

After a couple of hours the doctor emerged and let me know while things had gone well, the appendix did have a perforation which caused leakage to a mainly confined area, but also had leaked into his pelvis.

All this to say, his recovery and hospital stay would be longer.


So 3 nights in the hospital.

We joked and said it was our mini vacation at a resort. We are lucky to live in a city with an an incredible hospital: Sick Kids.

The nurses were awesome, he had room service (ha) and there are private rooms for all with a bed for the parent.

We spent the first night binge watching a new show, then lots of down time with mindless phone entertainment. We went on long walks through the same hallways and up and down some stairs.

His friends biked to the hospital to bring him gift and card (they couldn’t come in obviously so I went to the front of the hospital where they left the bag for me to get). So sweet. He’s got some great friends.

The only downfall (ha) is is wreaked a bit of havoc on Zach leaving for his mission reassignment to Calgary.

But it will all get figured out.

We checked out of our resort and headed home.

He had some fans waiting for him at home (they had made him a tie with material Zach brought home from Tahiti.)

And some other friends brought him by some treats to help him recover.

We are happy he is home. Happy he is doing well. Happy to have great support and love of family and friends.

Not the best getaway but I still love spending any time I can get with this guy!

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