Hanging with the kids

We tried to cram in as much as we could while everyone was here – but often people were in and out due to work, time with other parents etc.

We went to the beach for a picnic and played a couple of fun games.

The kids went out on their own a few times – they send me pictures:)

We ate out a lot depending on who was with us. Sometimes everyone, sometimes a couple, and even sometimes just one (including one night we had Shannon as our only child – but I forgot to get a picture that night!)

Our Sunday lunch was a beautiful charcuterie board that Shannon and Zandra put together.

Woke Zach up for a early walk one morning shortly after he arrived home from his mission.

We met Josh for lunch (he works close by in the local park)

Girls heading out to meet Zandra for wedding dress shopping:

Gabe and Rob lunch date:

The boys went to the driving range one night:

Finding space to work ! It was a bit crowded so the outside porch was a popular option:

Our tree is being cut down soon so they wanted a few pics:

Random nights:

Sibling outings:

Game nights:

Some graduation celebration before heading out for dinner (and sadly, I forgot to get a photo of dinner):

Can you spot the underwear amongst all the shoes!

First day at church and Zach met a missionary who he knew in Alberta (he was in the same congregation as him when the guy left on his mission to Toronto):

Walking in the ravine with Gabe and Shannon:

Zach and Rachael went to Montreal to see my mom and his grandparents on his dad’s side. Gran was thrilled that they went to the cemetery to visit Grandpa, out for lunch one day and then to the Montreal temple:

Gabe and Shannon had to fly home on the Sunday because he had to go to his law school orientation the next day. Shannon sent a picture of his first day!! Woo hoo!

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