We only had Zach home for a few short weeks before he was off again.
He had deferred acceptance into BYU when he decided to serve a mission, so he was all set when he got home.
He actually drove out to BYU with Rachael and then we met him there. They had some pretty funny stories about their adventure on their way out…
We met them there and stayed with my brother and sister in law and their family.
We headed out for a little drive one evening and went to the Payson temple:
We had a few days to get him all set up so we first got his keys and then spent the day getting started with the setup.
We took a day off in between and headed up to Park City to do some hiking. We actually took the gondola ride up Deer Valley resort (we call it the heart attack hill bcs we were in Park City doing some skiing right before Rob’s heart attack). Memories.
Back to moving in>>>
We got him all settled in and then Rob and I headed south to have a little getaway….
It definitely is much easier to drop him off after having done the whole missionary good bye!
But we had dinner with him the night before we flew back home too – so one final goodbye. We went on a nice walk with my cutie niece that night too: